Inorganic materials
An iron cyclosilicate with the highest Si//Fe ratio (6) and the lowest crystal lattice density (17.44 FC) compared to the known iron silicates was obtained. Its structure is similar to that of the mineral imandrite, but it has significantly higher thermal stability (over 900°C).

Inorganic materials
Efficient catalytic materials have been developed for the production of pure hydrogen by copper oxide promotion of materials containing CeO 2 deposited on Al 2 O 3 with a highly developed surface. The study of the relationship between the activity and the structural, electronic and reduction properties shows that the Cu 2+ –Ovacancy–Ce 3+ /or Y 3+ interaction plays a crucial role in the reactive ability. The catalysts are resistant to deactivation over a 30 hours operating period, which makes them promising systems for obtaining ecologically clean fuel – a new type of efficient, stable and economically competitive copper catalysts for obtaining pure hydrogen with application in fuel cells and hydrogen energy production.

Inorganic materials
A complex catalyst with high activity and long-term stability for the oxidation of toluene, propene, propane, butane, hexane, dimethyl ether and CO at temperatures 100 – 350 °C was created. The catalyst has an innovative “eggshell” design, where the active phase, which is a composite of reduced graphene oxide and Pd-nanoparticles, is deposited on a ceramic support by means of aluminum hydrogel. Maximum catalytic activity was achieved at a ratio of Pd/PdO =1. Due to the specific morphology of the catalyst surface, processes occur that lead to the reoxidation of palladium metal to nanosized PdO. The new complex catalyst is resistant to the presence of water vapor and sulfur dioxide in the gas mixture and with the possibility of full regeneration and high reaction speed.

Inorganic materials
A team from IOCCP-BAS, together with a team from IP-BAS have obtained mesoporous silica from rice husks using an original, more ecological and more economically advantageous method. The resulting material has a high specific surface area, large pore volume, and pores with a narrow size distribution where mesopores are ~90% of the total pore volume. The material is characterized by a dominant worm-like mesoporosity.

Inorganic materials
Учени от Института по обща и неорганична химия към БАН и ХТМУ са разработили
Scientists from the Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry at BAS and HTMU have developed materials that are applicable in the field of environmental protection, more specifically related to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions:
• Catalysts for reducing methane emissions;
• CO2 absorption materials.
An advantage of the proposed developments is their increased adaptability to specific problems in protecting the purity of atmospheric air from various industrial sources of pollution generating emissions of methane and carbon dioxide. Through their application, a combined effect is achieved – (1) recycling of waste product and (2) reduced emissions of greenhouse gases.

Inorganic materials
The Institute of Mineralogy and Crystallography “Acad. Ivan Kostov” at BAS presents a method for developing nitrogen fertilizer with reduced nitrogen loss.
This technology produces a compound that significantly reduces nitrogen loss in the form of ammonia and nitrogen oxides compared to existing solutions. The fertilizer has a balanced bioelement composition, allowing it to be used both as a standalone fertilizer and in combination with other fertilizer formulations. It offers good physical and mechanical properties and storage stability.