An integrated methodology has been developed for assessing and mapping the potential of forests for the provision of forest therapeutic services, combining information from forestry plans and other databases. The methodology has been successfully tested in a pilot region in our country. It is applicable for any scale. “Hot spots” with a high potential for forest therapy have been identified (Y. Dodev).

A way to drastically increase the speed at which laser diodes can transmit information has been developed. For this purpose, the so-called VIXELs is considered, i.e. semiconductor lasers with a vertical cavity and emission from the surface of the active medium from quantum wells. A new VIXEL design was designed with an embedded nematic liquid crystal (LC) in a second resonator. A mathematical model was also developed to calculate its dynamic characteristics, and it was shown that such LC-VIXEL can reach many times greater information transmission rates. By adjusting the voltage across the liquid crystal, LC-VIXELs can achieve 3-dB small-signal modulation frequencies of several hundred GHz, while typical modulation frequencies of commercial VIXELs are on the order of 10–15 GHz.

Institute of Optical Materials and Technologies “Acad. Jordan Malinowski” offers an engineering-technical development using the method of electro-spraying for producing thin layers, coatings, and micro- and nanoscale objects. The technology allows the utilizations of electro-spraying (electrostatic atomization) to create small-scale objects through an affordable and well-controlled method. The technology supports advancements in electronics, optoelectronics, spintronics, and materials science.
The technology combines a widely used method for producing nanostructures with additional engineering and physical design solutions for enhanced process control and results.
Technology Readiness Level is at 4-5 and is actively used in a laboratory environment for producing thin layers.

Institute of Plant Physiology and Genetics – Bulgarian Academy of Sciences presents DNA barcoding technology.
The development aims to solve several key problems using the advantages of DNA barcoding technology:
• Taxonomic identification of individuals in all stages of development – from seeds and sprouts to individual parts of tissue, facilitating the monitoring and study of species at different stages of their life cycle;
• Identification of phenotypically similar individuals within a species;
• Diagnosis of phytopathogens causing similar symptoms on agricultural crops and discovery of new pathogens, which is of utmost importance for the development of targeted plant protection measures.
• Building effective strategies for plant resource management and pest control. Accurate identification of plant disease agents is an essential prerequisite for choosing strategies for effective protection.
• Distinguishing taxonomically complex species;
• Identifying species composition in mixed samples – analysis of environmental samples such as soil, water, air, foodstuffs, etc., which will improve understanding of biodiversity and species interactions.
IPPG-BAS offers specialized services for DNA-based identification and monitoring of plant resources and phytopathogenic fungi. DNA barcoding technology and transposon-based high-resolution markers include data analysis and the provision of definitive opinions, which also conditions a wide range of potential users.

- Trains the brain for more flexible and faster thinking;
- Allows for multi-component decision-making – exercises coordination between the left and right hemispheres depending on the task;
- Improves decision-making time;
- Offers the possibility to create various training combinations;
- Enhances the ability to react to external stimuli.
- School-age children – for improving concentration and cognitive abilities. It is suitable for children with hyperactivity and attention deficit.
- Adults – to develop more flexible and faster thinking and improve decision-making ability. It is suitable for preventing cognitive disorders and for women in menopause.
- Athletes – for individual training to improve both visual-motor reaction and decision-making time. It is suitable for training, enhancing, and controlling the specialized technical preparation of boxers and improving sports and technical skills.