The dynamic receptivity to charge and provision of long cycle life in the mode of partial charge of lead batteries used in cars with start-stop systems has been improved with the addition of natural and synthetic inorganic polyphosphate compounds to the liquid electrolyte of lead batteries.

Using 3D technology, an effective catalyst for the purification of waste gases containing volatile organic compounds was created at IGIC-BAS. By thermally annealing a raw material composed of aluminum and silicon oxides and suitable additives, a carrier with a developed porous structure is obtained.

A team from IP-BAS is looking for a way to increase the efficiency of glycolysis for the recycling and reuse of waste materials from polyethylene terephthalate (PET), optimizing the concentration of the catalyst and the yield of bis(2-hydroxyethyl) terephthalate (BHET) in the presence of titanium (IV) phosphate (TiP) as a catalyst in conventional and microwave (MW) heating for energy saving. The product obtained from glycolysis can be directly used for further processing without the need for additional separation procedures, for example in the synthesis of phosphorus-containing flame retardants.

At the Institute of Catalysis, the influence of gold, copper and rhenium as promoters of nickel-aluminum layered double hydroxides in the development of efficient catalytic materials for the purification of hydrogen in the reaction of conversion of CO with water vapor has been established. The benefits to society are related to the creation of active, decontamination-resistant and economically viable catalytic materials for the production of environmentally friendly hydrogen fuel.

Metamorphic p-i-n AlGaAs/GaAsSb/GaAs heterostructures with high photosensitivity in the infrared part of the spectrum, suitable for application in multi-junction solar cells (MJSCs), have been prepared at CLAP-BAS. The obtained results are very promising regarding the use of metamorphic heterostructures based on GaAsSb for application in MJSCs in the future as an alternative to isolattices based on rare nitrides.

Method for Generating Atomic Energy through Hydrostatic Pressure
The Institute of Robotics – BAS presents a technological solution related to a miniature system for generating atomic energy.
The innovative components of the proposed technology are:
a) The first-ever generation of a controlled chain reaction through high hydrostatic pressure;
b) The conversion of atomic energy into electricity using the principle of the electroscope.
The proposed technology is at TRL 5. The main innovation element – the hydrostatic pressure chamber, along with its accompanying components – has been developed. Upcoming experiments will involve loading it with a radioactive mixture.

Acad. Evgeni Budevski Institute of Electrochemistry and Energy Systems presents a “Pilot Line for the Production of Lithium-Ion Batteries – 2A/h Pouch Type and Button Type (CR2016, CR2025 и CR2032)”.
This technology enables the production of pilot quantities of batteries in two formats (“pouch” and/or button) to prove the working concept. It is being developed with unique equipment for Bulgaria, provided through the Center of Competence “Hitmobil.”
Main application areas: energy conversion and storage systems, including renewable energy.
The pilot line allows research and optimization of manufacturing processes at a pre-industrial stage, ensuring greater efficiency and cost reduction. It is capable of producing various types of “pouch” batteries, including lithium-ion, sodium-ion, lithium-polymer, and other variations, depending on customer requirements. The technology ensures strict control of production processes and parameters, leading to higher quality and reliability of the final products. It also provides opportunities for research and testing of new materials and technologies aimed at improving the production process and increasing the capacity and lifespan of batteries. This enables market research and evaluation of demand for “pouch” batteries, better preparing the system for full-scale production and commercialization.
The technology is at Technology Readiness Level 7.

Acad. Evgeni Budevski Institute of Electrochemistry and Energy Systems presents its Laboratory for Testing Hydrogen Electrochemical Converters (Water Electrolyzers, Fuel Cells, Hydrogen Electrochemical Compressors).
This laboratory, part of Laboratory 3 at the Center of Competence “Hitmobil,” specializes in scientific and applied research on various types of hydrogen electrochemical converters, including fuel cells, water electrolyzers, and hydrogen electrochemical compressors. It is equipped to:
• Test systems with power up to 1 kilowatt, including testing of membrane-electrode assemblies (MEAs) under different operating conditions and temperatures up to 110°C.
• Determine Faradaic and energy efficiency, as well as minimum and maximum pressure on the MEAs.
• Measure ohmic resistance and other parameters.

Institute of Chemical Engineering – BAS presents a method for optimal synthesis and management of resource-assurance chains for biodiesel, bioethanol, biogas and biohydrogen and productions from the food industry.
The methods for optimal design of strategic DOM for the production of biofuels and tactical for the production of food products make it possible to analyze the stages of the entire life cycle of each of the products under consideration, which includes all activities in the chain from the supply of raw materials, through the production itself to the final users.
The methods simultaneously take into account the three aspects of sustainability – economic, ecological and social.
The resulting optimal solutions in terms of determining: selection of raw materials and suppliers; places for the production of agricultural crops for the production of biofuels; waste biomass processing sites for biofuel production; locating the installations and facilities for the production of biodiesel, bioethanol and biogas, as well as the optimal location of charging stations for biohydrogen; production capacity; the transport network; biofuel blending sites; the markets etc. can serve as a basis for making optimal decisions by managers that take into account all three indicators of sustainability.
The technology is at the stage of readiness for implementation.

Institute of Chemical Engineering – BAS presents a method and installation for the processing of urban household waste by incineration.
Incineration of waste in the presence of an increased content of water vapor reduces emissions of nitrogen oxides.
Тhe method enables the utilization of waste heat from combustion and its subsequent use for heating purposes. The exhaust gases during the combustion process are treated in a packed scrubber column, where their purification is carried out.
The technology has opportunities for implementation in all cities with built-in central heating and large enterprises with hot water needs for technological purposes.

Researchers from the Institute of Chemical Engineering – BAS have developed a method for selective extraction of substances.
Key Features of the Method:
– Continuous Operation: The method allows for uninterrupted processing.
– “Soft” Conditions: It operates under mild conditions.
– Liquid Phase Processing: The process takes place entirely in the liquid phase.
– No Phase Changes: There are no changes in the phase state of the chemical system, which implies low energy consumption.
– High Purity: The resulting product has high purity.
– Use of “Green” Liquid Membranes: It offers possibilities for using environmentally friendly liquid membranes.