On March 20, the first of a series of online seminars dedicated to the assessment of novelty in patent applications in the fields of chemistry, pharmacy and biotechnology, organized by the European Patent Office and intended for inventors, patent specialists, patent examiners and other interested audiences, will be held.
The seminars are organised in two sessions, the first of which is suitable for all interested parties, and the second is specialised and aimed only at patent experts from national patent offices. The seminars will cover a short technical course on a specific aspect of substantive examination or investigation of inventions in the relevant field.
The first seminar of this series will address assessing the novelty of particular chemical compounds: for example, optical isomers, extraction of naturally occurring substances and purity.
The second seminar will focus on novelty challenges that arise in the context of biotechnological inventions: novelty of antibodies, commercial availability, novelty of biological material and enabling disclosure.
The third seminar will focus on the pharmaceutical field: the meaning of “specific use”, patient groups, mechanism of action and clinical situations, and clinical trails.
The seminar programme can be found here.
Registration is required to participate, indicating the following identification code OS01-2025_98Tr.
Source: https://www.epo.org/en